Google Street View comes to Petra

Users can view 30 historical sites around the country, including the dramatic landscape of Petra, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which lies just 150 miles south of Amman, the Jordanian capital.

The featured attractions were selected in collaboration with Queen Raina Al Abdullah of Jordan, who also narrated a video about Petra released today.

The short video shows Google’s Street View Trekker, a backpack-like camera system, being walked around the grounds of “an entire city woven into nature...a civilisation that pushed the boundaries of its surroundings” and “transformed stubborn stone into a living sculpture,” described Queen Raina Al Abdullah of Jordan.

Google Street View users can explore the country’s greatest attractions, including a tour inside its prime landmark – the carved, colonnaded wonder Al Khazneh (The Treasury) – from the comfort of their own homes. Other images of Petra sites available include The Theatre, The Skull Cave, various tombs and temples as well as a look inside the Petra Museum.

The latest images form the company’s fifth Street View project in an Arab nation, in addition to previously released images of the Pyramids of Giza, the Liwa Desert and the Burj Khalifa in the United Arab Emirates.

A Google Street View of the Street of FacadesA Google Street View of the Street of Facades  Photo: Google

Earlier this year, Google also sent one of its Street View cameras to the Amazon rainforest to capture new 360 degree footage of the river and the surrounding vegetation.

Fitted with 15 lenses enabling it to capture a photograph every 2.5 seconds, the camera was attached to a zip wire which travelled at speeds of up to 100 kilometres per hour, allowing users to explore the forest floor before climbing to the top of trees to survey the jungle canopy.

The company also released panoramic Street View images on the Danube for the first time this year, which were captured by the Trekker as it wound through Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania along the river.

A Google Street View image of The MonasteryA Google Street View image of The Monastery  Photo: Google

Since the 2007 launch of its project capturing 360-degree panoramic images from locations around the world, Google has driven more than seven million miles, visited around 66 countries, including Nepal, the Galapagos Islands, Antarctica and the Arctic, and various attractions including the Grand Canyon.

Also this year, the Northern Lights were recently added as a themed category to Google Views, the search engine's location-linked image sharing platform, which allows internet users to upload and share images and panoramas of interesting locations around the globe.

Other categories include the Pyramids of Giza, New South Wales national parks, the Thames river - and the somewhat niche category of Cote d'Azur Ports. Images of around seven continents and more than 50 countries have been shared so far, with an estimated 50,000,000 miles travelled by photo-sharing tourists.

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